Tyumen Hot Springs
Russian city Tyumen is just an ordinary city in Siberia. The company that carries the name of this city in it’s title has acquired “British Petroleum” company some time ago.
The winters are cold in the city, like in all the outlying region, but they have one attraction that helps to cope those winter. Those are natural hot springs under the open sky. Thousands of people gather there, both locals and visitors, coming from other Siberian cities, like Yekaterinburg and sometimes even from Moscow, the capital of Russia, to experience the unique contrast of the cold Siberian winter, when the air temperature is about -40 degrees (F/C) and then the hot spring bathing with the water naturally warmed up to 131 F degrees (55 C).
It’s a big fun to change the cloths in the car and then run to the water for 300 feet from the parking, and then back, after the bathing is over. Just taking a few steps out of the water means that all the water drops turn into solid ice almost instantly.

photos via blogs.yandex.ru and photopolygon.com
first five photos author: Igor Kovalyov
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