Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Power of Make-Up

The Power of Make-Up

By slowly scrolling down from the first photo to the last one, you’ll realize the true power of make-up in the right hands.

This is why I never hit on women wearing too much make-up, you never know who you’re going to wake up in the morning. I’m not saying the girl in the first photo is ugly, but compared to how she looks covered with all that make up…Let’s just say there’s a chance you’ll be disappointed when you see “the real her” for the first time.

Bottom line: Make-up is powerful stuff!



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Top 25 Worst Jobs to have in 2010

Top 25 Worst Jobs to have in 2010

At this point in the recession it’s probably safe to say any job is a good job, but according to a study conducted by job search portal CareerCast, in order to identify the best, you have to also determine which are the worst. After all, not all of us can have employment in finances or IT industry.

The worst 25 are quite surprising and their methodology makes me wonder if they took into account things like pensions, vacations and benefits. How else could cops and temporary circus workers rank so closely together?

What ever is the case, here is the list of 25 worst jobs in 2010. The list is ordered so that number 1. is the job with the title of the worst job in 2010. I hope your job is not on the list.

25. Stationary engineers, aka boiler operators

The Worst Job in 2010

Salary: start at $31,000 and top out at $75,000

24. Machine tool operators

The Worst Job in 2010

Salary: start at $22,000 and top out at $50,000

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She Makes Random People Cry

She Makes Random People Cry

They stare at her for several minutes or hours and… start crying. All these crying portraits were taken during the MoMA exhibit “The Artist Is Present”. Why couldn’t people handle the heat sitting across Marina Abramovic in silence? I have no idea, but the result is very impressive.

She Makes Random People Cry (20 pics)

She Makes Random People Cry (20 pics)

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Do Chimpanzees Understand Death?

Do Chimpanzees Understand Death?

chimpanzee death dying understand old

DEATH OF A FRIEND: When chimpanzees die of untimely, accidental deaths, their companions have been known to go into a frenzy. A new recording of the death of an old female chimp shows those around her acted with quiet care, calling into question how much these great apes understand about death.

After the death of her mother, Rosie had a fitful night, tossing and turning and getting up frequently

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Snails and endangered gorillas: perfect together?

Snails and endangered gorillas: perfect together?

Cross River gorillaHow do you save critically endangered gorillas? One idea, currently being tested by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), is to introduce snails to Nigeria.

More specifically, snail farming. The idea is that snail farming could provide both a revenue stream and a new source of protein for Nigerians, making the poaching of gorillas less attractive.

As we wrote just a few weeks ago, gorillas—especially the critically endangered Cross River gorilla (Gorilla gorilla diehli)—face numerous threats in central Africa because the area is so poor. The gorillas are losing out to illegal logging, the bushmeat trade (poaching), mining and the charcoal trade, all of which could, according to the United Nations and Interpol, drive gorillas into extinction in as little as 15 years

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Oil spill worsens, offshore drilling plans in dire straits?

Oil spill worsens, offshore drilling plans in dire straits?


The Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill keeps getting worse—now gushing more than 200,000 gallons per day, according to NOAA estimates—five times more than original estimates and more than BP's absolute worst case scenario in disaster plans filed with the government. That may not change any time soon. The last big blowout, at Ixtoc off Mexico in 1979, took almost a year to stop and spilled some 140 million gallons of oil before it was through, making it still the second largest oil spill ever (Saddam Hussein's intentional opening of the Kuwaiti and Iraqi wells during the first Gulf War remains, by far, the largest oil spill at roughly 1 billion gallons.)

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Free TOFEL test online

It's link for TOFEL test online it's good for test your level in english
try it and don't worry it's free

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