Thursday, December 16, 2010

Who is the World's Oldest Living Person?

Who was the oldest super-centenarian who has ever lived and who is currently the oldest living person is a subject that has long been open to debate. Among longevity researchers and those who study centenarians throughout history, there has generally been reached a consensus that the oldest person on record with verifiable documentation was Jeanne Calment. Jeanne was born Feb 21, 1875 and died Aug 4 1997 making her 122 years 164 days old on the day of her passing.

But that is where consensus ends. Debate over who is currently the title holder of “World’s Oldest Living Person”, is hotly contested. First of all given that many of these “super-centenaries” live in outlying parts of the world, verifying the accuracy of their age claims is often difficult. Also given the advanced years of whomever holds claim to the title at any given time, it is an honour that can pass to the “second oldest person” at any moment.

According to Guinness

Still according to the Guinness Book of World Records, American Edna Parker is currently the “official” oldest living person. Edna was born on the 20th of April 1893 making her just about 115 as of the writing of this piece. Parker became “Number1”in August of 2007, when Japanese Yone Minagawa, 3 months and 16 days her senior passed on. Parker lives in a small community in Shelbyville, Indiana, and unlike Minagawa at the time of her death, Edna still can walk and finds herself in relatively good health.

The New Champion

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DeadHunt free Download

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Saturday, December 11, 2010

What Countries Consume the Most Oil?

Oil is perhaps the most critical source of energy worldwide. Overall consumption is on the rise as more and more of the world industrialize and start utilizing modern machines. The United States is the largest consumer of oil and consumes over 25% of the world's oil! Here are the top 25 oil consuming nations as provided by the CIA World Factbook (2001 estimates); the values represent the number of barrels consumed per day.

country barrels/day
United States 19,650,000 United States oil consumption
Japan 5,290,000 Japan oil consumption
China 4,975,000 China oil consumption
Germany 2,813,000 Germany oil consumption
Russia 2,595,000 Russia oil consumption
Brazil 2,199,000 Brazil oil consumption
South Korea 2,140,000 South Korea oil consumption
India 2,130,000 India oil consumption
France 2,026,000 France oil consumption
Italy 1,866,000 Italy oil consumption
United Kingdom 1,710,000 United Kingdom oil consumption
Canada 1,703,000 Canada oil consumption
Mexico 1,507,000 Mexico oil consumption
Spain 1,497,000 Spain oil consumption
Saudi Arabia 1,452,000 Saudi Arabia oil consumption
Iran 1,277,000 Iran oil consumption
Indonesia 1,045,000 Indonesia oil consumption
Taiwan 988,000 Taiwan oil consumption
Netherlands 895,300 Netherlands oil consumption
Australia 796,500 Australia oil consumption
Thailand 785,000 Thailand oil consumption
Singapore 700,000 Singapore oil consumption
Turkey 619,500 Turkey oil consumption
Belgium 595,100 Belgium oil consumption
Egypt 562,000 Egypt oil consumption

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The Most Popular Phone in the World

The Most Popular Phone in the WorldNokia has problems. Smartphone problems. Software problems. American problems. But to fully understand what's wrong, we've got to understand what's been right, or to put in another way, what's distracted Nokia. Meet the most popular phone in the world.

It has been said that more of the world's population has access to a cellphone than to a sanitary toilet. But of the planet's estimated 5 billion cellphone users, a privileged minority have smartphones; a paltry few, iPhones.

If you spend hours thumbing through pages of apps, scoffing at less-than-perfect software upgrades and grousing about screen resolution and pixel density, it's easy to forget that the very concept of a mobile phone is a miracle. It's a device that shrinks your day to day world into a single point, making you simultaneously accessible to and able to access nearly everyone you know, instantly and everywhere.

One summer in 2005, a man in Nigeria wanted in. He found a shop, put his money down on the counter, and left with a cellphone: a Nokia 1100, nearly identical to the model discontinued by AT&T that same year. Statistically, this was likely his first handset. He'd probably used a similar one through family or friends. Personal milestone or not, the tiny Clarkian miracle of that day represented a cold milestone for Nokia. It was their billionth phone sold

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What is the Ideal Weight for my Height?

Calculating ideal weight for height is one way of determining whether one is over or underweight. This method also takes into account the frame size of a person. So for example, frame might be calculated by measuring the distance between the sides of the right elbow when the arm is extended in front of the chest, and the elbow bends so the forearm is parallel to the body.

A medium frame measurement of this type would be 2.75 to 3 inches (6.98-7.62 cm) in a man that is 68 to 71 inches (1.72 -1.8m) tall. In a woman that is 64-67 inches (1.62-1.7m) tall, medium frame measurement of the elbow would be between 2.25 to 2.5 inches (5.71-6.35cm).

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What is the Greenhouse Effect?

The greenhouse effect refers to the fact that earth is surrounded by an atmosphere which acts like the transparent cover of a greenhouse, allowing sunlight to filter through while trapping heat.

Greenhouse gases are trace gases of mainly water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxide. The earth's atmosphere largely consists of nitrogen and oxygen, but they are not greenhouse gases nor do they contribute to the greenhouse effect.

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Friday, December 10, 2010

PlayStation 4 may be an add-on for PS3

Whenever we get to the mid-point in a current generation console’s life, there’s growing discussions of what comes next. We all expect a PlayStation 4 and an Xbox 720, but the introduction of motion controllers, and the high cost of developing and manufacturing a new console has everyone thinking Sony and Microsoft may try to extend the life of existing consoles for as long as possible.

In the case of Sony, they may even try to make the PlayStation 3 stick around as the base for its next gen machine. Speculation as to that happening comes in the form of a patent the Japanese company has been awarded.

The patent covers attaching an external processing unit to an existing device such as the PS3 giving it access to more processing power . The combined unit would make for a better performing machine without the need to buy a whole new console.

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Windows 8 has a high-end PC user interface called Wind

Before the dust has even settled on Windows 7

, Winrumours, via the Italian Windows8italia site, has discovered that Microsoft’s next-gen OS will be 32-bit and 64-bit with two separate interfaces

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Underwater nuclear cannons might launch the first lunar city on the moon

If you’re a lover of classic science-fiction movies, you’ve probably chuckled at the myriad ways in which Hollywood once believed space travel would be possible. Perhaps my favorite pre-Apollo rocketry solution is from the classic film When Worlds Collide, where a rocket is hurtled out of Earth’s orbit by sliding it down a huge ski jump on a big mountain.

But real-life beats even that for incredulity: a new rocketry concept is now exploring the idea of using huge underwater nuclear cannons to blast rockets to the moon. And it might just be plausible

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Google ups YouTube video limits for selected users

Google has decided it’s time to increase the time limit on YouTube videos again, but the online video service is not increasing them for everyone.

In a post to the YouTube Blog, product manager Joshua Siegel and software engineer Doug Mayle made the announcement. Users are being selected for a limit increase based on them having, “a history of complying with the YouTube Community Guidelines and our copyright rules to upload videos that are longer than 15 minutes.”

What the new limit is has not been announced, so we can only assume it’s going to be somewhere in the region of 20-30 minutes .

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Should I Turn My Computer Off at Night?

There are several reasons why it may be a good idea to turn off your computer at night. For some, it may not matter whether the computer is on or off. Most newer computers have a sleep mode when they are inactive which doesn't use much power. However, in businesses or at home, it may be wise to turn off the computer at night for security reasons.

For example, computers connected to the Internet via DSL or cable modem are vulnerable to hacking if they are still connected. You can either turn off the connection or turn off the computer. You may need to keep the computer turned on, conversely, if the computer is used as a fax machine as well.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

With ( Photo to Sketch ) Convert your photos to magnificent artwork, sketch or water color

Zoom in

It is a tool to convert a photo to excellent sketch, and paint water color freehandly.
You can convert your photo to:
Pen sketch;
Pencil sketch;
Brush sketch(Only Freehand panel)

To download this program :

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Google Offered To Buy Twitter For $2.5-$4 Billion Sources

Earlier this year, as part of an on-going dialogue between Google's corporate development team and Twitter, Google floated the idea of an acquisition with a price around $2.5 billion, we've heard from a source close to an executive involved in the talks.

We'd caution that this was not a formal offer – more of a casual offer to offer.

The overture was refused – even characterized as "insulting."

A second source, a Twitter

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Monday, November 29, 2010

How Can I Develop Effective Communication Skills?

How Can I Develop Effective Communication Skills?

Effective communication skills are the key to improving your productivity and helping you advance your career. Not matter what your area of expertise is, being able to communicate with others will greatly perk up your chances for success. Even if you are naturally shy and prone to nervousness, there are some things you can do to help you achieve effective communication skills.

Start by evaluating your personality and try to find areas where you excel and areas where you could use some improvement. Maybe you have effective communication skills when it comes to gestures and body language, but lack a strong voice. Or maybe your voice is fine but you tend to get nervous and fidget too much when you are in front of a group of people. Knowing what areas you need to work on will give you a chance to become better at effective communication with others around you

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Which Are the Most Difficult Languages to Learn?

Which Are the Most Difficult Languages to Learn?

There are over 2650 languages in the world plus over 7000 dialects. Deciding which language is the most difficult to learn may not be as simple as you may think. Different languages present different challenges, and what constitutes a difficult language depends a lot on the individual studying it.

Your mother tongue is an important deciding factor when it comes to difficulty. For example, native speakers of Italian seem to learn Spanish and Portuguese rather easily despite the complex grammatical structures of the Spanish language. On the same basis, Chinese speakers will probably pick up Japanese faster than people whose first language uses the Roman alphabet. In fact, Chinese has no grammatical system per se, which makes it easier to learn than many Western languages once you have memorized the basic characters.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Six Steps to Starting Your Own Business

Got that entrepreneurial spirit? You aren't alone. In fact, two out of three teenagers who completed last year's Junior Achievement Interprise Poll on Teens and Entrepreneurship said they hope to start their own business one day. But it takes more than a good idea and a desire to be your own boss to launch a successful venture.

Just ask Max Durovic. At 18, he increased his odds of making it with formal and thorough business planning. By taking the right steps, he built a booming business before he even graduated from college.

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What is Forex ?

FOREX — the foreign exchange market or currency market or Forex is the market where one currency is traded for another. It is one of the largest markets in the world.

Some of the participants in this market are simply seeking to exchange a foreign currency for their own, like multinational corporations which must pay wages and other expenses in different nations than they sell products in. However, a large part of the market is made up of currency traders, who speculate on movements in exchange rates,

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Why is Reading Important?

Why is Reading Important?

Prof. A.C. Grayling, in a review of ‘A History of Reading by Alberto Manguel’ that was published in Financial Times had said, "To read is to fly: it is to soar to a point of vantage which gives a view over wide terrains of history, human variety, ideas, shared experience and the fruits of many inquiries." So true! Reading is really like taking a flight to high altitudes in pursuit of information and knowledge. It is a journey in search of enlightenment.

Have you asked yourself the question, "Why is reading important?" What was the answer that you got? I am sure your heart must have answered in favor of reading. Reading is like providing the mind with nourishment. Knowledge is the food for the mind and soul. Apart from giving us the basic information about the world around us, it also provides us with the food for thought. It encourages us to think. It increases our hunger for knowledge and our thirst to learn more.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Which One Doesn’t Belong?

What’s wrong with this pictures?

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