Monday, February 28, 2011

5 Things You Must Know About Sleep

Robin Lloyd
Date: 01 August 2008 Time: 10:47 AM ET

You're tired. You could put your head down on a desk right now and fall asleep immediately. You went to bed late last night, had trouble falling asleep and woke up too early. And let's not kid ourselves: Tonight will be the same unless … well, read on.
This is the classic not-so-shut-eye experience of many Americans who think they are sleep-deprived and possibly need pills or other treatment to fix their insomnia, teeth grinding, jet lag, restless or jerky legs, snoring, sleepwalking and so forth.
Reality is quite different.

For instance, insomnia is said to be the most common sleep disorder, but these dissatisfying sleep experiences only get in the way of daily activities for 10 percent of us, according to the National Institutes of Health. And in almost half of those cases, the real underlying problem is illness (often mental) or the effects of a substance, like coffee or medication.

Here are five recent findings that might help you rest easier:

1. We sleep better than we think we do

For most of us, sleep deprivation is a myth. We're not zombies. The non-profit National Sleep Foundation (which takes money from the sleep-aid industry, including drug companies that make sleeping pills) says the average U.S. resident gets 7 hours a night and that's not enough, but a University of Maryland study earlier this year shows we typically get 8 hours and are doing fine. In fact, Americans get just as much sleep nowadays as they did 40 years ago, the study found.

2. We need less sleep as we age

We'll die without sleep. The details are sketchy, but research suggests it's a time when we restore vital biological processes and also sort and cement memories. Last year, the World Health Organization determined that nightshift work, which can lead to sleep troubles, is a probable human carcinogen. On the upside, the latest research suggests we need less of it as we get older.

3. You can sleep like a baby (or Thomas Edison)

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Polar Bear Zoo Attack

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Tuber versus the Aliens

Tuber versus the Aliens
PC | English | Developer: Academ Media | Publisher: Big Fish Games | 186 MB
Genre: Strategy, Tower Defense

Destroy the solar panels the invading aliens use as their source of energy, and save the world in Tuber versus the Aliens! Free over half of each battlefield as quickly as you can to defeat your enemy, and proceed even further in your adventure. Choose your moves carefully in this quirky Puzzle game and win the Main Trophy!

* Unique gameplay
* Incredible adventure
* Save the world with Tuber!

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Motorcycle Classics - March/April 2011
Motorcycle Classics - March/April 2011
English | 96 pages | PDF

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Redline - March 2011

Redline - March 2011

English | 148 pages | PDF | 87.6 Mb

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Friday, February 4, 2011

50 Incredible Colorful HD Wallpapers

50 Incredible Colorful HD Wallpapers
JPG | 50 | 1920x1200 | 29 MB

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How to Get Happy when You're Sad ?

Everyone can feel a bit down and sad sometimes, and it totally stinks. Here are some ways to cheer up!
Remember that sadness will eventually go away if you think positively.

1 - Call up a friend to talk about it (or to get your mind off it).

2 - Watch a funny movie, preferably one that you've already seen and liked. Or, watch a sad one, that will make you think "huh, my life isn't as bad as theirs!!"

3 - Exercise. Go for a walk, a jog, or a bike ride. Doing this will make your body release endorphins and adrenaline through your body which will make you feel better physically and emotionally.

4 - Be spontaneous. Sometimes a consistent and boring routine can make you feel bad. Do something out of the blue, but don't make any rash decisions.

5 - Paint a picture. Express your feelings with color and shapes.

6 - Think about good memories. If you've lived through them once, than you can definitely have them again. Just because things may seem bad right now doesn't mean that tomorrow they will be.

7 - Take a shower. You will feel happier and refreshed.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Which Country Has the Highest Income Per Capita in the World?

There are two main ways in which one can determine which country has the highest income per capita. One can look at the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at its Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), or one can look at what is called its nominal GDP. Although different assessments and different methods reach different conclusions for every spot below the top, it is mostly undisputed that the country with the highest income per capita, by any measure, is Luxembourg.

First we’ll look at the nominal GDP for the top countries, to see how Luxembourg stacks up against the competition in per capita income. Nominal GDP is determined by simply taking the value of all services and all goods that occur in a given year, and dividing it by the number of people living in the country. There is no attempt to compensate for the fact that a certain amount of money might buy more in one country than another, so these numbers aren’t a very good predictor of how much the GDP per capita is worth locally.

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Does Coloring Your Hair Really Make It Thicker?

Coloring your hair, according to most stylists and several news articles, may help your hair look a little thicker. In fact, if you apply permanent color when you are coloring your hair, it will temporarily make each hair strand become as much as a third thicker in volume. But you have to understand what coloring your hair, which means applying color, rather than stripping color from the hair, means.

In most cases, if you’re going many shades lighter, you will have to bleach your hair. This actually strips the hair of some of its density. Sometimes people first bleach and then apply color, which may restore the hair’s look to original density. You still may look like you have about the same thickness of hair if you use this dual process for coloring your hair. When you actually color your hair by adding color deposits onto each hair, you are increasing the weight of each hair strand. This means you’re not bleaching first in most cases, but instead merely applying color in a shade similar to your own, and not significantly lighter than your hair color.

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What are the Effects of Elevated Potassium Levels?

The effects of elevated potassium levels are related to the health of your heart. When potassium stays in your blood because your kidneys aren't filtering it out, you may experience weakness accompanied by an irregular heartbeat. This condition, called hyperkalemia, can be detected with an electrocardiogram after you exhibit symptoms.
Potassium is a substance essential to your body. A mineral in nature, potassium is considered an electrolyte. Electrolytes are charged particles, containing ions, whose tiny electrical charge helps to send messages through your nerves. Therefore, either elevated or lowered levels of potassium will affect your nervous system by sending innacurate signals, sometimes resulting in paralysis.

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